March 31st 2021

5.9 Million Hong Kong residents eligible for UK’s BNO visa

On 31 January 2021, the UK Government introduced the BNO visa which allows holders to live in the UK for 5 years and then apply for settlement and British Citizenship.

Prime minister Boris Johnson said that he is “very proud” that the UK can make this offer to BNOs as a way to honour the UK’s “profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong” and stand up for “freedom and autonomy - values both the UK and Hong Kong hold dear.”

The visa is available to British Nationals Overseas (BNOs) and their dependents - a total of 5.9 million people. However, the UK expects about 300,000 people to apply for the visa and move to the UK in the first 5 years.

About 7,000 people were allowed to settle before the visa scheme opened by being granted Leave Outside the Rules on compassionate grounds.

With the visa, BNOs will have many of the same rights and benefits as British citizens, including the right to work, study, use the National Health Service (NHS) and claim social welfare benefits. Children of BNO visa holders can attend UK schools.

Mr Johnson said that he strongly believes in the “prospects the UK can offer for those who want to make their lives here and I have no doubt that you are going to feel very much at home.”

People can apply for the visa online from anywhere in the world using the UK Government website, or a new smartphone app. The app makes the application process much easier, meaning the whole process can be done digitally and applicants do not need to visit an application centre. It also works with both BNO and HKSAR passports.

The BNO visa is a way for the UK to honour the agreement made with China when the UK handed Hong Kong to China in 1997. Both countries agreed to protect the rights of the Hong Kong people, including freedom of assembly, free speech and freedom of the press.

Many believe that this agreement is under threat because of a new national security law passed by China last year. The law gives China increased controls over the people of Hong Kong and is expected to diminish freedom and autonomy in Hong Kong.

Find out how BNObase can help with your relocation to the UK by clicking here.