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What is the BNO Visa?

The British National Overseas (BNO) Visa scheme was launched by the UK Government on 31 January 2021 in response to China’s new national security law imposed on Hong Kong and its citizens.

The visa allows BNOs and their immediate family to stay in the UK for up to 5 years, after which you can apply for settlement in the UK and British citizenship.

Without a visa, BNOs can stay in the UK as a visitor for upto 6 months but cannot work or study during that time.

Who is eligible to apply for the BNO Visa?

Applicants must:

  • Have BNO status
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong or the UK
  • Demonstrate you can accommodate and support themselves in the UK for at least six months
  • Speak English, or show a commitment to learn English
  • Pay a Home Office fee
  • Hold a current tuberculosis test certificate from a clinic approved by the Home Office
  • Not have been convicted of a serious crime
Applicants do not need:
  • To hold a current BNO passport
  • To take skills test
  • To have a minimum income
  • To have a job or offer of a job in the UK

How can I apply? Do I need to be in the UK?

Applications can be submitted online using the link below from anywhere in the world - you do not need to be in the UK.

Apply for your BNO Visa online

Is there a limit on the number of BNO Visas the UK Government will issue?

No – there is no limit. All eligible applicants will be granted a visa.

Can I bring my children to the UK?

Yes – you can bring your children with you to the UK as dependants on your visa, if they are under the age of 18.

If your child is over 18, they will need to apply for their own visa. The visa will be granted at the discretion of the Home Office where "compelling and compassionate" circumstances exist. The Home Office has acknowledged that it "does not wish to split family units" and will exercise discretion in applications involving children of BN(O) citizens who were born after 1 July 1997. Children falling into this category will be able to apply as dependants, if one of their parents holds BN(O) status and they apply together as a family unit.

Adult children who are not eligible for the BN(O) visa may wish to consider alternative immigration routes based on their circumstances, such as a work or study visa:

  • Skilled worker visa – open to individuals sponsored by an approved employer for a qualifying, skilled role.
  • The Tier 5 Youth Mobility scheme, which is open to Hong Kong nationals between the ages of 18 and 25 to work in the UK.
  • Student visa – to undertake study on a qualifying course.

Can my children attend schools in the UK?

Yes - child dependants under 18 can attend state schools for free. There is also an option to apply for private fee paying schools.

Young people ages 16-19 can get free access to education and training programmes.

All BNO visa holders can apply for higher education courses at UK universities and colleges.

Can I work or study in the UK?

Yes – the BNO visa gives you the right to work in the UK with no limits on skill level or salary. You can also apply to study on education courses at UK universities or colleges.

Will I have to pay tax?

Yes - you will need to pay income tax and national insurance on your UK earnings.

Will I get access to healthcare?

Yes – you will get access to healthcare from the NHS just like UK citizens but you will need to pay the NHS surcharge.

Will I be entitled to benefits?

BNO visa holders in the UK who are in genuine need of financial support will be able to apply for public funds on a case-by-case basis.

This means you may be entitled to claim money or benefits from the Government if you are at risk of falling into poverty. You would have to provide evidence of your financial status, or prove you have a child and a very low income.